English activity sixth grade.

Look attentively at the video and answer the same questions with your own information in your notebook.

Third activity


1. Contable __________
2. Arquitecto __________
3. Astrónomo __________
4. Policía  __________
5. Carnicero __________
6. Informático __________
7. Soldado __________
8. Ingeniero __________
9. Operario __________
10. Pescador __________
11. Jardinero  __________
12. Peluquero __________

Fourth activity

Consulte las palabras en el diccionario y realice el taller en su cuaderno.


NAME: ___________________________________ DATE:___________________ GRADE:________

Selecciona la respuesta correcta:
         1 .MOTHER       2.BROTHER        3.DAUGHTER       4.PARENTS       5.GRANDSON
a .padre          a .hermana            a. hermano             a. padres           a .nieta
b .madre         b .hermano            b .hijo                      b .abuelos         b. primo
c. tía               c. hija                     c .hija                      c. tía                  c .nieta
         6 .SON              7.SISTER             8.UNCLE                9.  COUSIN       10.GRANDFATHER
a .hermana     a .hermana            a. abuelo                a. padres           a .abuela
b .hijo              b .hermano            b .tía                      b .primo             b. abuelos
c. tía                c. hija                     c .tío                      c. bebé              c .abuelo

English Activity Seventh grade.

Look at the video and make a wordsearch with the vocabulary

English Activity Eighth grade.

Look at the video and make a wordsearch with the vocabulary

Activity 8°th grade

Actividades para la clase de Ingles

Realice este crucigrama teniendo en cuenta las imagenes (use el verbo adecuado)

Read  carefully

My mother  was in the livin room. She was reading  a book.
My grandfather   was in the bedroomHwas watching  T.V.
My sister  was in the diningroom. She was eating  an apple.
My father  was in the bathroomHe was washing  his face.
My aunt was in the kitchenShe was cooking  chicken  with vegetables.
My brother  was in the livingroom. He was writing  a letter.
Ellen  was playing  the guitar  and Peter the baby  was sleeping.

 According  to the reading  answer T (True)  or F (False)
 A My mother  was in the bathroom.  ___
 B  My aunt  was cooking._____
 C. Peter  was sleeping._____
 D. The family  was in the hospital _____
 E .My brother  was reading  a book._____
 F  My father  was watching  T.V.______
 G .Ellen  was playing  the guitar._____
 H .Peter  was my grandfather.______
 I. My grandfather   was in the bedroom._____

 J .The family  was in the house  .______


1) Busque el significado de los verbos que se encuentran en gerundio del "word bank" (terminacion "ing") y escribalos en su cuaderno
2) realice el crossword en su cuaderno.
3)llene los espacios en blanco con el verbo que corresponda segun la oracion

(Down: Vertical)  (Across: Horizontal)

Third activity

Profesiones: Where do you work? What do you do? What is your profession?

Veamos una lista de las profesiones más comunes y su traducción al inglés.

Ejercicios para practicar el vocabulario relacionado con las profesiones


¿Sabrías adivinar a qué profesión se refiere cada una de las siguientes descripciones:
1) Someone who designs building and houses.
2) Someone who makes bread and cakes and normally works in a bakery.
3) Someone who works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in their shop.
4) Someone who prepare food for others, often in a restaurant or café.
5) Someone who can fix problems you have with your teeth.
6) Someone who works with electric circuits.
7) Someone who works on a farm, usually with animals.
8) Someone who puts out fires.
9) Someone who makes new reports in writing or through television
10) Someone who defends people in court and gives legal advice.
11) Someone who repairs machines, especially car motors.
12) Someone who works with and dispenses medicine.
13) Someone who delivers mail to your house.
14) Someone who is employed in an office and types letters, keeps records etc.
15) Someone who makes clothes for others, many times producing exclusive items of clothing.

Activity 9°th grade.

First Activity.

1) realice la sopa de letras

2) Asocie las palabras que corresponden a verbos y las que pertenecen a sustantivos.

1) Realice la sopa de letras
2) Lea el texto y responda las preguntas segun el mismo

Ejercicio ING

  1. Jim ________ eating ice cream.
  2. The kids ________ playing in the park.
  3. Birds ________ singing.
  4. Henry and I ________ watching football.
  5. Bees ________ gathering honey.
  6. Tom and Karen ________ skiing.
  7. Sam ________ washing her hands.
  8. Tim ________ crying.
  9. They ________ rowing the boat.
  10. I ________ drinking wine.
  11. The birds ________ flying south.
  12. They ______ loving parents.
  13. I ________ dancing.
  14. Sarah and Thomas ________ getting married.
  15. I ________ beginning to understand English.
  16. The house ________ burning down.
  17. The fruit ________ hanging low on the tree.
  18. The baby ________ waking up.
  19. I ________ crawling.
  20. There ________ a meaning to every poem.

Second activity

Look at the video and make 10 sentences in present simple in your notebook

Profesiones: Where do you work? What do you do? What is your profession?

Veamos una lista de las profesiones más comunes y su traducción al inglés.

Ejercicios para practicar el vocabulario relacionado con las profesiones


¿Sabrías adivinar a qué profesión se refiere cada una de las siguientes descripciones:
1) Someone who designs building and houses.
2) Someone who makes bread and cakes and normally works in a bakery.
3) Someone who works with meat. They cut the meat and sell it in their shop.
4) Someone who prepare food for others, often in a restaurant or café.
5) Someone who can fix problems you have with your teeth.
6) Someone who works with electric circuits.
7) Someone who works on a farm, usually with animals.
8) Someone who puts out fires.
9) Someone who makes new reports in writing or through television
10) Someone who defends people in court and gives legal advice.
11) Someone who repairs machines, especially car motors.
12) Someone who works with and dispenses medicine.
13) Someone who delivers mail to your house.
14) Someone who is employed in an office and types letters, keeps records etc.
15) Someone who makes clothes for others, many times producing exclusive items of clothing.

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